Zonda Media Green Construction & Design Masterfile Email (Formerly Hanley Wood Green Construction & Design Masterfile Email) »

Zonda Media Green Construction & Design Masterfile Email (Formerly Hanley Wood Green Construction & Design Masterfile Email)

Base Price:


Total List:


*PLEASE NOTE /M = Per Thousand

List Description:

Zonda Media Green Construction & Design Masterfile Email includes active construction and design professionals who subscribe to Zonda Media's (Formerly Hanley Wood Media) industry-leading trade publications. These key decision-makers either receive magazines or newsletters specifically focused on green construction, or have expressed an ongoing interest in green, environmentally friendly, or eco-friendly products and services. This comprehensive file is selectable by job title, business type, annual sales, employee size, units built, product interest and more.

Minimum Order:

5,000 Records

Commission / Credit Policy:

20% to Recognized Brokers. 15% to Recognized Agencies.

Cancel Charges:

All POSTAL/TELEMARKETING orders cancelled prior to the mail date will incur a $50.00 flat cancellation fee, $15.00/M run charges, plus applicable shipping charges. All EMAIL orders cancelled prior to email date will incur a $125.00 flat cancellation fee, plus applicable production / run charges. No cancellations will be accepted after the mail or email date.

Standard Turnaround Time:

One Business Day

Target Region:

  • Domestic


  • One Time Use unless otherwise agreed upon

Available Counts:

Gender $15.00/M
Select Count
Male 11,361
Female 3,968
Business Type $20.00/M
Select Count
Architect/Designer 9,358
Builder 2,020
Remodeler 1,258
Specialty / Subcontractor 1,227
General Contractor 1,160
Engineer 1,041
Government / Public Agency 622
Developer / Building Owner 490
Building Products Dealer / Distributor 380
Landscape Design/Build Architect 131
Highway / Heavy Construction 59
Job Title $20.00/M
Select Count
Architect / Designer/ Engineer 7,093
Owner / President / CEO/ Director 6,902
Other Management 1,571
Construction Management or Supervisor 1,113
Sales / Marketing 498
Employee Size $20.00/M
Select Count
1-10 7,077
11-50 2,121
50-100 981
100 plus 3,054
Annual Sales $20.00/M
Select Count
Under $1 million 3,287
$1 million to $5 million 1,891
$5 million to $10 million 791
$10 million plus 1,599
Units built $20.00/M
Select Count
1-24 2,218
25-49 338
50-99 42
100-499 278
500-999 363
1000 plus 60
Commercial or Residential $20.00/M
Select Count
Both Commercial & Residential 4,615
Commercial 2,272
Residential 1,805
Product Interest $20.00/M
Select Count
Green Design / Construction 16,834
Architectural Services 11,319
Lighting / Lighting Controls 7,465
Building 5,907
Insulation / Housewrap 5,902
Windows 5,892
Doors 5,741
Lumber 5,382
LEED 5,231
Flooring 5,126
HVAC 5,019
Roofing / Roofing Products 5,005
Paints & Coatings 4,643
Plumbing & Fixtures 4,615
Design 4,287
Appliances 4,170
Kitchen & Bath 3,952
Concrete 3,718
Building Products & Services 3,357
Decking/Railings/Docks 3,294
Siding 3,272
Skylights 2,996
Moisture Control 2,815
Tools 2,716
Tile 2,689
Masonry 2,671
Cabinetry 2,636
Countertops 2,266
Landscape / Site work 2,249
Faucets 2,173
Furnishings (indoor & outdoor) 2,142
Computer Software/Hardware 2,066
Remodeling 1,906
Solar Panels 1,690
Electrical Systems & Components 1,503
Drywall 1,475
Locksets 1,451
Multifamily 1,375
Fireplaces & Accessories 1,367
Sunrooms / Sunspaces 1,288
Carpeting 1,149
Security Systems 1,049
Stairs 999
Paving Materials 968
Home Automation 948
Molding/Millwork 700
Trucks 651
Pools & Spas/Hot Tubs 386

Customers also viewed:

This List Rents
  • Email Addresses



List Update Frequency:

Updated Bi-Monthly

Selection Pricing:

Selection Price
Geography $15.00/M
Product Interest $20.00/M
Commercial or Residential $20.00/M
Units built $20.00/M
Employee Size $20.00/M
Annual Sales $20.00/M
Job Title $20.00/M
Business Type $20.00/M
Gender $15.00/M

Production Charges

Charge Price
Email Transmission Run Charge $100.00/M
Email Setup $50.00/F
Email Suppress $75.00/F
Email Personalization $10.00/M

Additional Charges May Apply

The Information Refinery, Inc.
1200 MacArthur Blvd
Suite 104
Mahwah, NJ 07430
Phone: 800-529-9020
Fax: 201-529-4030
All prices posted are accurate as of the time each data card was published. Actual current pricing may vary slightly due to recent list owner increase or decrease.